shirish beri

Dr. Alase’s residence, Kolhapur

Can simplicity and nature rejuvenate a small urban house ?
In the setting of a lane with typical greedy bungalows, I decided to design something that was very simple and shyly non conspicuous on the small 280 sqm plot. Dr. Hema’s love for plants and birds prompted me to create a garden in as much space as possible. Thus I decided to continue the garden on a major part of the house in the form of stepped planters. The house gets concealed with these planters making up my main front elevation. Besides this, two terraces at first floor level, a sit out space outside the living room and the central courtyard also add to the open garden space.
The interior of the house appears spacious, well lit and ventilated, as all the rooms visually or physically connect to a beautiful central skylit courtyard … the most used space in the house. The protective grille over this courtyard casts beautiful shadow patterns at different times of the day.
Living in these lively interactive spaces with the plants, birds and the beautiful light has been very rejuvenating.