shirish beri


shirish beri’s film "The Unfolding White"

This film happened as a result of an intense desire to share shirish beri’s search for wholeness through his different expressions in architecture, painting, poetry, photography, academics, philosophy and ecology.
It is an issue based film (and not a personality based one) that tries to explore the important connection between our work and this wholeness and richness of life. It asks whether we could address our concerns in life through our work such as –
Can our design help in bringing man closer to nature, closer to his fellow beings? Can our architecture result in improving the quality of life of the users? Film as a powerful medium of communication had always fascinated him – and finally provoked him to venture into making one himself with the help of other film professionals.
The 12 minute version won the international jury award at a The Ekotop film festival in Europe (a niche festival for sustainable development films) from over 200 worldwide entries.

शून्यरंग - Marathi version of "The Unfolding White"

शिरीष बेरी यांच्या आर्किटेक्चर, चित्रकला, कविता, छायाचित्रण, शैक्षणिक, तत्त्वज्ञान आणि पर्यावरणशास्त्र यातील विविध अभिव्यक्तींद्वारे केलेला जीवनाच्या समग्रतेचा शोध आपल्यासमोर मांडण्याच्या तीव्र इच्छेमुळे हा चित्रपट घडला.
हा एक जीवनातील प्रश्नावर आधारित चित्रपट आहे (व्यक्तिमत्त्वावर आधारित नाही) जो आपले कार्य आणि जीवनातील समग्रता आणि समृद्धता यांच्यातील महत्त्वाचा संबंध शोधण्याचा प्रयत्न करतो. जो विचारते की आपण आपल्या कार्याद्वारे जीवनातील या प्रश्नांना भिडू शकतो का जसे कि –
आपली रचना माणसाला निसर्गाच्या जवळ आणण्यासाठी, माणसा माणसाला जवळ आणण्यास मदत करू शकते का?
आपले आर्किटेक्चर आपल्या जीवनाचा दर्जा सुधारु शकेल का ?
संवादाचे एक शक्तिशाली माध्यम म्हणून चित्रपटाने शिरीषना नेहमीच भुरळ घातली – आणि शेवटी त्यांना इतर चित्रपट व्यावसायिकांच्या मदतीने हा चित्रपट बनवण्यास प्रवृत्त केले.
युरोपमधील एकोटॉप चित्रपट महोत्सवात १२ मिनिटांच्या आवृत्तीने २०० हून अधिक जगभरातील चित्रपटांमधून आंतरराष्ट्रीय ज्युरी पुरस्कार जिंकला.


Though this Space, in which everyone and everything exists, is such an important constituent of our lives, we seem to take it for granted and thereby have become very insensitive to it.
This film explores the multiple dimensions of our day to day space with many examples. It probes into the relationship of our outer, measurable, physical space of action with our inner, immeasurable, psychological space of thought. It finds that both these spaces are constantly influencing and expressing each other. So, can the quality of our outer space help in improving the quality of our lives and that of our inner space ?
The film questions … Can our true understanding of space help us to live with compassion, empathy, tolerance and unity ?

उरू - अवकाश - Marathi version of "URU – the space "

हा माहितीपट अवकाशा चं आपल्या आयुष्यात असलेलं महत्व मांडायचा प्रयत्न करतो. ज्या अवकाशा शिवाय आपलं अस्तित्व हि असू शकत नाही ती आपण गृहीत का धरतो ? आपल्या अंतर मनाचे अवकाश आणि त्याचे बाहेरच्या अवकाशाशी असलेले नाते शोधण्याचा प्रयत्न हा माहितीपट करतो. हि जागा , अवकाश , त्याचे महत्त्व हे फक्त आर्किटेक्ट्स , इंजिनिर्स , रचनाकार यांच्यापुरतेच मर्यादित आहे का ? आपणापैकी प्रत्येकाशीच त्याचा संबंध नाही का ? ‘अवकाशा’ विषयीची आपली खरी समजूत आपल्यामध्ये शांतता , सहभाव,सह-अनुभूती , एकतानता आणि दयाभाव जागृत करेल ?

Connecting with Life: Harmonizing Architecture and Nature

Here, Ar. Shirish Beri talks about his connect with nature and life as a whole and how that get translated in his architectural designs.

Laya - harmonizing with life

This 18 minute film is about the genesis, design and execution of Ar. shirish beri’s own eco friendly house created from waste recycled materials. This film was made for the master’s class in environmental design at UPENN in USA.

Gandhi farmhouse near Nagpur

A 7 minute film that explores the organic design of this special award winning farm house. Can the spaces in this house help in destressing the city-stressed minds ?

Godrej Interio Talk The Walk

This interview in the above series delves into Ar. shirish beri’s design philosophy.

Nature plus – TV interview 1994

Shirish Beri on work and life balance in Marathi

Ar. Shirish Beri was interviewed by Dr. Anand Nadkarni in a very large gathering “Vedh” organized by the Institute of psychological health.

Future of architecture

A short informal discussion on the various issues relating to ‘The architecture of the future’ between Ar. shirish beri & his associates & trainees.