shirish beri

Aster Aadhar hospital, Kolhapur phase II

How can the expansion blend with the existing in a seamless manner ?
Within seven years of its inauguration, a need was felt by the clients for more space, more facilities, more beds and new functions. Thus a new nine floor (with two basements) expansion was planned on the south side where this provision was kept from the beginning.
The main architectural challenge was to design the right kind of transitional space between the old and the new, without disturbing their functioning, natural lighting and ventilation. This was achieved by creating an almost full length skylit full height space with intermittent connections in between.
Besides the challenge of double basement in the poor soil adjacent to the existing hospital, expansion of the multiple services like sewage treatment plant, medical gases, air conditioning, electricity, water, fire etc. posed the next challenge.
Finally when completed, this expansion has a seamless feel to it … both externally as well as in terms of internal functioning. It has decongested the existing hospital, added new necessary functions and improved it’s overall functioning.